Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Shawn is currently taking some time off of the AT to recover from a sprained foot! He hiked for a few days before he knew how badly it was sprained, and is now giving it some time to get better. Shawn had his first over 20 mile hiking day this week! He seems to be doing very well, except for the pain and the frustration that he shouldn't keep hiking for the next few days. As far as I know, he is out of the Smoky Mountains, which is a huge accomplishment! He said that he's glad to be out of the Smokies, particularly because everyone has to sleep at a shelter every night (rule of the park) and the shelters are either 4 miles away or 18 (just an example), and there aren't any in the middle. Anyway, he should be in town for at least another day or so, so if anyone wants to give him a call or send him an email, please feel free!

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